Travel experiences overland from London to Australia - and then some
Monday, 27 July 2009
Thursday 24 July: Local trainto Zidani Most for the International Express across the border to Zagreb and so from the Euro zone into the Croatian Kuna. Pleasant capital city with trams, a great square, well-tended gardens, fountains and sparrows, sculptures, museums, cafes and more ATMs than you can shake a stick at. Cathedral, tiled church and stone gate shrine where believers worship an icon said to have survived the burning of the original wooden gate. Outdoor entertainment in the evening, beers with unusual names, like Ozujsko or even tastier dark Velebitsko, and bars with even more unusual names like Route 66 just south of the station and others. Mimara musuem has fine art collection and enjoyable battered squid at Mimice fish and chip shop which looks unchanged since the Soviet era. Modern slick blue tram (12th mode of transport)to bus station for day trip toSamabor with cascading trout-filled streamspanned by covered wooden bridges. Zagreb photos.
Follow my career gap travels from London through Europe and Asia to the Pacific, then on to the Middle East and Europe. Photographs and text copyright Dave Irvine 2009 to 2015, all rights reserved. You can e-mail me via my profile:
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